Thursday, May 24, 2012


Write about a photograph you like.

Who took it
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it
Upload it too

Include any other information you'd like to mention.
Write at least 150 words.

Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’

In this picture Piñera is being attacked by a walrus, at a boat fair, in Valdivia. This happened when he was looking for supporters during his presidential campaign at the fish market before the elections. Apparently, Piñera was too close to the fence which walruses usually approach for food. Piñera who was scared to death, said the sea creature had almost kissed him, even though, to me, the walrus was more likely to have him for lunch. I really don´t know who this picture was taken by, but it appeared in “Las Últimas Noticias” newspaper, in 2005. I like it because I think it is a photographic success and the horror, dread and disgust in his face are absolutely unique.   Could this animal have been hired by “La Concertación” members?

Friday, May 4, 2012




-what dish it is,
-what the ingredients are,
-where it comes from,
-why you like it, and
-when you eat it.

you should write at least 140 words.
-comment on three classmates`posts.

My Favorite dish is Razor Clams with Parmesan Cheese.

For this delicious dish you need 1kg. of fresh razor clams, a little of white wine, grated parmesan cheese, lemon juice, garlic and butter, at taste. And if you want to know, they are easy to prepare: you just have to open them with a sturdy knife, clean the tongue, was away any sand or any black substance at the base, put them back on the half shell, add butter, the grated parmesan and a little of garlic, white wine and lemon juice, at taste. Bake them in a hot oven for a few minutes, and enjoy. When razor clams are cooked, they turn pink and that why they are also called "Pink Clams"

This dish is one of the classics of Chilean cuisine, and it was created 50 years ago in Viña del Mar by an Italian immigrant called Edoardo Melotti Ferrari. Even though, there is no reference of razor clams before the 1950s in Chile, archeologists refer to "the Machas Phase" 10.600 to 8.000 years before present based on findings in coastal middens (conchales) of southern coastal Peru, at that time.

I like them because they remind me of my childhood, when it was possible to find them on the beach, in Tongoy, and harvesting them together with my family was great fun. I eat them in the summer, with a cup of good white wine and toasted bread, for Easter or May 21st, with family and friends.

And you? Would you like to try them?