Friday, June 29, 2012


Dear all,

Hi! How are you?

This week you have to surf the web and answer the following webquest.  I will give you a copy, in paper. You must turn your anwer sheet in once you are  finished. Have fun!

Part 1- Calculate your carbon footprint!
·        Don’t forget to select English before starting the activity.
Ø What’s your carbon footprint?
Ø What’s the average carbon footprint of a person?

Part 2 - Take these Recycling Quizzes
Ø Hand washing dishes can use up to ______ % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.
Ø Only about _________ % of global energy comes from renewables.
Ø True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity.
Ø Can you make paper out of hemp?

Part 3- Video >> Top ten tips for recycling
Watch the video and choose the best 3 tips in your opinion.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Post 9 (week 14) My Favorite Animal

The topic this week is "My Favorite Animal"

-what animal it is,
- its physical characteristics,
-why you like it,
-if you can have it at home.
-one particular or freak (physical or psychological) characteristic it has.

As usual, leave a comment on 3 of your classmates´ posts
- Word Count: 190 words

Friday, June 15, 2012


This week you will write about "Your Favorite Travel Destination".  Include:


-where you would like to go,                  
-why you would like to go there,
-what things you can do there,
-who you would like to go with,
- if you think it is possible to go there in the future.

- Leave a comment on 3 of your classmates´ posts.
- Word Count: 180 words

Thursday, June 7, 2012

POST 7 (week 11) >> Carrer-Related Website or An Expert on your Field

For this post choose ONE of these  2 options:

Post 1 (Instructions).
Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.

You should:
- provide a link
- describe the website (sections, features,etc)
- say how often you visit the site
- explain why you like the site.

>Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs
>Word  Count: 170
Post 2 (Instructions)
Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

-Who she/he is.(short biography)
-What she/he has done. (examples of their work)
-Why you like her/him.
-Include his/her image

> About 170 words
>Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs

Hello people!!!

Today, I am going to tell you about my favorite career related website. It is The Harvard Gazette from the University of Harvard.

 I like it because I have first hand access to very interesting lectures on the field of Education and Neurolinguistics, there are also articles, book reviews, photography and  art performances, interviews with prominent musicians or innovative movie directors, and above all,  the latest information on what´s happening at the University and in the academic world in different scenarios. 

I visit it whenever I have time or want to relax, or get inspired or even when I want to listen to different English accents. Try it. You won´t regret it!

Friday, June 1, 2012


Write about your favorite movie.

-movie title
-what kind of gender it is: comedy, drama, science fiction, etc.
-when it was filmed
-who the movie was directed by
-main actors and actresses (or main stars)
-the plot: what the movie is about/ description of main events
-why you liked the movie
-  leave a comment on 3 of their classmates posts
- Word Count for post 6: 160 words
“When Harry Met Sally”
It´s a comedy and a drama. It was directed by Rob Reiner, in 1989.  It is starred by Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. The movie is about Harry and Sally who are friends and have known each other for a long time. They debate if men and women can be non-sexual friends. Harry is a carefree man even though a little pessimistic as he chooses to read the end of book first “Casablanca” in case he dies. And Sally is a structured and controlling person who becomes somehow neurotic as she grows older and she is the only one of her friends who at the age of 38 has not gotten married. Finally, they realize they have been made for each other.  The movie takes place in Manhattan, New York, the landscapes and photography are beautiful and the different situations they go through are very funny. I like this movie because the acting is great and it talks about how men and women are different and about people´s fears, needs and wishes in life.